The month of October is shaping up to be an excellent time to volunteer at the Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area.
An opportunity to volunteer and to be a great help to the staff at Whitfield is the resumption of the monthly workdays starting on Saturday, October 15, from 9:00 – 12:00.
These workdays were suspended during the summer and now that cooler weather has returned, Johnny Chavez, Conservation Program Manager, assures me that he has projects in need of volunteer labor! It’s fine if you can only work and hour or two. Typically, we work in the gardens or do trail maintenance. Work gloves and sturdy footwear make the experience safer.
I’m also looking for a couple of folks to work with me on volunteer recruitment and retention. I’d like to make the Friends of Whitfield one of the best volunteer experiences in the county and being able to bounce ideas off like-minded people would go a long way toward making that a reality.
Andrew Hautzinger, the Director of the Valencia County Soil and Water District, has indicated there are other volunteer opportunities:
- Drill eight additional monitor wells at RACA;
- Make monthly water depth measurements at the RACA monitor wells;
- Build a trail/small fuel break in the middle of the 50 acre cottonwood grove at RACA;
- Create a plant cover map of RACA;
- Be a greeter/Ambassador at the Whitfield Visitor Center.
If you’re interested in any of the above or have volunteer ideas of your own, please contact me at:
[email protected] or 802-772-5320.