Rob Raucci, President. To me, it’s important to have an awareness of how small humans are in this world as opposed to the forces of nature. I am humbled by the power and beauty of nature and respect it enough to know that if we mess with it, it’s gonna mess back. Serving as a board member for the WWCA helps me to keep that perspective.

Victoria Armijo, Treasurer. I chose to join the board for the Friends of Whitfield because I share the same passions that are written into the mission statement: ” promoting habitat restoration, education and conservation.” I feel so fortunate to be able to support these goals and with such wonderful people who also have strong passion.

Linda Zaragoza, Secretary. I have always believed in serving my community and have served on several boards in the past. Living in community means we all are connected and certainly connection to the environment is important to me. I also believe in passing along environmental education to the next generation and the programs at Whitfield are invaluable for getting the message to the children who will grow to be the next stewards of our natural world.

Liz Aumiller, Board Member. What compelled me to join the board was… I thought I could bring some good and new ideas that would help the Friends of Whitfield and the community come together.
To serve, support and help my community that has done the same for me for 30 years. To tell the different communities in the area about exciting things that are happening at the Whitfield Center, to be part of a positive change that influences our future.

Frank Mazza, Board Member. I became involved with the Whitfield Wildlife Conservation Area because of my interest in the natural world. What’s made it especially enjoyable is the friendships I’ve developed with the staff and volunteers who also share that interest.

Johnny Chavez, Board Member. I joined the board to help broaden my knowledge and leadership when it came to finding my voice. I love nature and working through problems.